Official website of Mikki Tiamo

Disappointed with Doctors

It’s 6:30am and I’m wide awake because I am still so angry at what happened yesterday with my GP.

Yesterday at 4pm I get a phone call.from my doctors and because I was on another call I phoned them back.

Ring ring
“Hello doctors surgery”
Yes I’m returning your call. Someone from the surgery called me.
“Can I have you details”
“Oh, no ones put a record on your notes so I don’t know who it was.”
Er, Okay, while your on can you check if the letter you received on the 2nd December from the gender clinic has been actioned?”
“No, nothings been actioned yet.”
Why not? The latter clearly states you have 4 weeks to reply otherwise they will cancel the referal request.
“It will be done in time?”
When? Not to put to fine a point on it, but don’t you shut down for Christmas and all work stops. Also don’t you return on the 2nd January which means the 4 weeks time would be up and my referral would be cancelled?
“Oh, I see your point.”
I’ve already waited long enough to get to this point and if your don’t reply then wont I have to start the process again and it’s taken since February to get this far!
“Well you’ll have to ring back next week as I can’t so anything.”
Sigh! Can you get Dr to call me.
“You’ll have to call back next week and make an appointment.”

So there you have it folks.

The wonderful NHS in motion. I was referred earlier in the year to the gender clinic and all the gender clinic have done is sat on the referral for several months then requested more information from my doctors who are being very lax in supplying this back to the clinic. Makes me very anxious when i’m relying others to .

What a wonderful system!

As as a consequence I am now wide awake, feeling very anxious and also quite angry at my doctors.

I’m also feeling quite sad that there is a possibility I will have to start my gender clinic referral process again

I have started recording my thoughts as earlier this week I was approached by a TV channel to do a program about my transition. I want the world to see what stupid hoops and mental anguish things like the referral letter and today’s actions give patients such as I.

As usual all the services which matter are shut all weekend. Monday morning is the earliest I can ask my GP again and I’ll have to suffer my anxiety again all weekend.

I haven’t slept all night, my stomach is doing back flips at the though of loosing my referral and my mind is going at 1 billion miles an hour thinking “what the hell is going on?”


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