Official website of Mikki Tiamo

My Libido

Don’t want it, don’t need it. In fact I hate it. My libido.

First off what is libido? Well on short this is your sex drive. Your need to procreate, have sex, fuck, cum, get off, etc… There’s loads of names for it but it’s your desire to want sex.

Personally, I’ve reached a point in my life where I don’t want this desire as first off it’s a distraction from other things in life and secondly because I am an Altruist when it comes to sex and I have always preferred to give rather than receive.

There are other reasons as well but these are the main ones.

So back to my libido.

One of the things which I find annoying about my libido is the need to get myself off occasionally and this sometimes clouds my thoughts and sometimes my judgement. Especially when I’m drunk.

If I can get rid of it then I can truly enjoy myself in life as the spectre of wanting sex is removed and I can concentrate on my life.

At the moment it’s been a few weeks since I’ve had sex and I know tonight I will get horny because I will be drinking and the desire will increase. But the performance is always reduced. I hate the contradiction!

At the moment I’ve been looking at self medication and seeing what over the counter drugs I can get which will lower my libido.

I remember a TV program from when I was a kid which started Thora Hurd in which, when her son and his girlfriend got fresh she would make them a pot of tea in which she would put Bromide. I believe potasium bromide was once considered an Anaphrodisiac but this has since been proved untrue.

I’ve also looked at non medicine/surgincal based solutions and an Orchidectomy is probably the answer for me which is the removal of both testicles. This procedure will stop my body producing testosterone which in turn will help reduce my libido.

I’ve had a few conversations about this over the past couple of months and I was asked the question what are you going to do if you are prescribed HRT and testosterone blockers as it will reduce your sex drive

My answer to the question is, good bring it on. Let me explain that answer.

All through my life certain things have been driven by the desire to either have sex with something else or by the need to pleasure myself and I really don’t want these feelings anymore or those desires.

The urge to procreate has long since passed and I do not feel the need or want to have children. I do not feel like I need to leave a legacy behind, if you like, a mini me!

I tried in my early 30s to do this and it was not to be. The offer up was on the table in my 40s. I honestly never felt the need to have children besides my siblings have left 12 children between them so that the family name and genetic pool live on.

In the past few months I’ve also not felt the desire to want to pleasure myself for those wondering what that means that means having a wank, getting myself off, whatever you want to call it.

I do not feel the need to do this anymore. Whether this is because I am a lot happier in myself or happier in my own body or just because I don’t actually feel the desire anymore, I do not know and maybe it’s even because I’m not with anybody. Again, I do not know.

It’s not that I don’t reach a state of arousal as I do but I just don’t feel the need to orgasm. To feel that feeling anymore and if I do get aroused and I don’t answer on that arousal and actively go out of my way to not be aroused anymore. The only thing which causes me to get aroused is usually when I’m drunk which ironically which is when my performance would be at its worst!

So would my decrease in sexual arousal, if I was on HRT, be detrimental to me?

I don’t think so!

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