A weekend away
Probably the best
The best I’ve ever had
Surrounded by friends
A wonderful time
It was filled with
Elation and admiration
But now it comes
Comes, abruptly to an end
And I return home
To an empty house
Loneliness, feels like
Like it never ends
Cant stand it
Really can’t
Even say, I hate it
So I ask
When will this
This feeling ever end
Sitting here
All alone
The reality it creeps
And I start to think
All by myself
With only my own thoughts
My tears they run
As I start to weep
Really feeling, the loneliness
Feeling null and void
I hate this
The feeling of
Of being all alone
I sit and think
Some really sketchy shit
But cowardice means
Can’t do myself, no harm
So here I am
Just sitting down
Feeling really sad
Get my laptop out
Let’s do some work
To take my mind off this
But ultimately
The feeling is
Feeling just like shit
Do we all have this
I ask you all
In our little lives
Sometimes not even when
When you are alone
I need some rest
I need some sleep
Curled up in bed alone
Another day
It starts tommorow
But now I’m really sad
I love my friends
I love my life
But fucking hate this
Really hate this sorrow
After the elation comes the sadness