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Religion, why I’m done with it and people who spout it

I hear many times, mainly from religious types, that what you are doing is wrong?

Do you mean legally or morally in the eyes of some almighty god?

Well, wrong in the eyes of your god obviously!


If you’re going to ask me this question you better have a fucking good answer to back up your question.

Don’t say to me because he, “God” says it’s wrong or the bible says it’s wrong. This will get you sworn at, by me, if you say this!

Anyway, the short answer to this question is, “screw you!” or show me in the bible where it says my lifestyle is wrong?


When did you become the moral arbiter of my life?

First off. Legally I’m doing nothing wrong. No law has been broken, in fact by discriminating or abusing me, it is you who is breaking the law!

Thankfully though, we live in a society in the UK where being transgender is not illegal.


Secondly. Morally!

Define morally. No honestly get your writing head-on and write why you think what I am doing is morally wrong!

I’ve been asked this on several occasions usually by people who are covered in tattoos or have some kind of axe to grind against alternative lifestyles, trans or homosexual people.

If I told you you couldn’t have tattoos or couldn’t worship your man on a cloud, what would you tell me to do?

Fuck off right?

Also don’t make some shit up on the spot as I will remember what you tell me, I will research what you tell me, and I will come back to you and tell you what you’ve told me is bullshit!

So, why would you think my answers will be any different from yours?

Please also don’t take a verse from your religious book and then twist it into something different. That is unless you believe in Nostradamus as well?


And thirdly in the eyes of your God.

Let’s just say my views on religion are only based on the religious people that I meet and converse with. I am sure the lord almighty is probably hunky-dory with me and your views are those passed down to you by others or your interpretation of the “good book”. Whichever book that is, be it the Bible or Koran. Notice how I haven’t included other books, cos those who follow Judaism have never once abused me! Not once!

If you think that reading a religious book several times a week makes you some kind of morally incorruptible super being then you’re a deluded fool.

I really should screenshot some of the messages I get on Facebook and Instagram from supposedly religious people asking me if I perform all sorts of sexual acts because I am transgender. Your public persona on social media says “Family man” but the messages you send me says “Sexual Deviant”!

Then they’re asking me if we can be friends or they can be my fuckbuddy, and nine times out of ten I check out these people’s profiles and a lot of these are believers in god or even have pictures of themselves standing outside a church or with a pastor or Iman.

The religious community seems to think that they are always whiter than white! This is one of the reasons I hate, yes, hate religion. It turns what are normally nice people into utter assholes. That’s a generalisation though as I know as some religious folk are actually nice people! Not many but some are.

So no, I don’t want to be your friend or your fuck buddy, even if you are religious.

Am I wrong?

I’m going to answer this in one way only.

If I was doing something wrong in the eyes of the Lord then either the Lord should come down and tell me that I am doing something wrong or maybe the next time I walk through a church door he should strike me down with a thunderbolt from the heavens. We all know that won’t happen and the above religious types probably have an answer for that as well!

The last time I went into a church was just over a year ago and guess what, God didn’t show his displeasure but those inside the church did!

Plus, and let’s be honest here, even if there was a line in the Bible that you could point to and it says I shouldn’t be doing this, then I really don’t give a shit! It’s my life and I live my life as I want. I live my life as makes me happy.

There are lots and lots of lines in the Bible that completely contradict other lines in the Bible. It also depends on which interpretation of the Bible you read.

If you want to be nice to me, I’ll be nice back. Whether you be religious, or not.

Just be nice, isn’t that how life works?

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