Official website of Mikki Tiamo

The term Cis woman

Let’s get this straight I do not like the term “cis women.

This is not because I’m some hateful, spiteful trans person, I’m not. I just think it’s wrong to label women as anything other than, women.

As a transgender person, who is transitioning from male to female one of the things that is making me wince at the moment whenever I hear it on the news or spoken in my presence is the term cisgender woman.

I believe the correct terminology is woman, not cisgender or biological woman. It’s woman, just woman add nothing else.

Same with men but I’ve never heard of read/heard the phrase, cis-male used once! So, why if no one is using this, do we need to call women, cis women, cisgender women or biological women?

The media does know there are transgender males as well?

Where did this cisgender thing even start? If it started in the trans community then I apologise on behalf of the trans community but I personally think it is absolutely stupid.

Women are not to be classed as “biological woman” or “cisgender woman” or any other of the woke terminology that is being bandied around at the moment

Women are women!

I would not want any friends or family of mine referred to as cisgender women, and I just do not like the terminology.

The Oxford English Dictionary describes the word “cisgender” as an adjective and defines it as “Denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity conforms with the gender that corresponds to their biological sex; not transgender.”

So why not just say woman? I don’t get why as a trans person I am supposed to call women, cisgender. Their women!

Am I missing something here?

Or is the media, society trying to drive a wedge in-between communities again by introducing terminology which may cause offense?

I just don’t get it!

“Cisgender is a term used to describe someone who has a gender identity that matches their sex assigned at birth. A person whose sex was assigned male at birth and identifies as a boy or a man, or someone whose sex was assigned female at birth and identifies as a girl or a woman, is considered cisgender. “

So they’re a man or a woman?

Does anyone like being referred to as cis?

Let me know in the comments!

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