Official website of Mikki Tiamo

Today has reaffirmed my decision

Today has reaffirmed my decision to transition in my life. It’s been an enlightening day, especially in the sea of negativity and depression we’re all tied into with Coronabollocks.

I’ve had four appointments today and I’ve actually spoken to lots of people today in person and online. I’ve had proper conversations with them, which is the first time in a long time, mainly because I’ve spent since March last year in empty warehouses, empty offices, or alone in residential houses.

The past almost year has been a very depressing workplace I can tell you.

Today, however, has been very different as I’ve been to places where there has been people at all four appointments and we’ve chatted quite a bit and it wasn’t about Coronavirus, which I am sick of talking about!

At the first appointment, we sat and talked, socially distanced of course*, about old cars. Someone give this man a medal for not talking about the current lockdown. I actually loved listening to this guy and we laughed massively about the technology of yesteryear compared to our modern run-of-the-mill automobiles. We also talked about our love of fish and kippers and I think a trip to Arbroath, for Arbroath Smokies, maybe on the cards when the government decides to let us freely move around again!

I traveled to a warehouse just outside of Macclesfield and met a customer and his partner who have just bought this place and want to put a big WiFi network in and join the building to his existing warehouse network some 400m away. I haven’t seen him since January last year and although they’ve known for a while about my transition he was shocked to see me, shocked in a pleasant way, and comments were passed on how good I looked and how much happier I looked.

I then went to fit some WiFi units at a residential house in Prestbury and when I arrived the owner noticed I had my dog with me and insisted I bring her into his house *

After fitting the units in the loft I find my dog sat at the bottom of the ladder up to the loft along with his daughter who is stroking my dog and also has their dogs as well.

We chatted about our dogs, how well-behaved my dog was and how badly behaved their dogs were.

We talked about training and dogs, and then she asked me, “How did she get so well behaved?”

So I showed her a few training tricks and within about 20 minutes had managed to get one of her dogs to give me its paw, both left and right.

She was flabbergasted.

Now the reason for the title of this page and why today has reaffirmed my decision to transition from male to female.

In all the conversations I’ve had today, everyone has commented on how happy I look and how much more approachable I am. I actually spoke to a customer’s wife today for the first time and she said she never talked to me before as she always thought I was a bit miserable.

In myself I feel much happier, I don’t have this overriding sense that something is wrong all the time as I’ve addressed this and moved forward and I also really don’t care about the outward projection of myself as I feel much happier and content inside. I like who I am, I care about myself and I want to be a better person!

So onwards and upwards. Let’s get on with life and live it as I want to.


* Socially Distanced, with facemask, hand sanitizer, and a huge fucking dose of common sense. Just so the rozzers don’t do me for sitting in a room with someone!

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