Official website of Mikki Tiamo

Anti trans rhetoric thinly veiled as memes

I’ve noticed a few anti trans posts on Facebook, from “friends” over the past few weeks thinly veiled as memes or jokes but they are portraying hate towards the transgender community.

Are some people worried they will catch something off the trans community or perhaps they think that the trans community shouldn’t be validated because it goes against the will of your chosen deity?

Or maybe you think all trans people are masquerading as predators because they wish to use the bathroom?

Maybe you don’t agree with people wanting to be something they know they have been all their lives?

Or you just don’t think other people should be able to live their lives in contentment?

The hate many transgender people are experiencing at the moment is abhorrent and many trans people have already walked to hell and back to discover themselves. And let’s not even start with the legal and medical hoops we must jump through to even gain help from these professions.

You may not know many trans people as we only make up about 1% of the UK population but think how you would feel if the same “humour” was aimed at your children, friend or other loved one?

Many trans people aren’t looking for acceptance but they do want to live without fear, risk of persecution or violence against them.

To end, I’ll leave this here for you to read, as a balance to the information presented by your TV or politically motivated news channel.

The truth about Trans The truth about Trans – Stonewall charity (external link)

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