Official website of Mikki Tiamo

Gender Journey #1, Private Consultation with Gender GP

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After dealing with the NHS and my Doctors, I’m done. So I’ve decided to go private and chose Gender GP as my private service of choice. This is my experience, or should that be experiences? as no doubt, there will be many more posts about Gender GP as my journey continues.

On 1st March 2021, I took the decision to engage the services of a Private Clinic to help on my gender journey after finding out the waiting list for Sheffield Gender Identity Clinic is now 40 months.

It took a few days for me to sort out my finances but I completed the online form on, which I admit took me about 3 hours, as I like to give clear concise details. Especially when filling in something which is relevant to the rest of my life.

The form is submitted, a fee is paid and confirmation is received. I am offered the choice of booking an online information gathering session and I’m shocked the earliest appointment is just 48 hours later.

An appointment booked with Diana for 7:30 the following Tuesday. 48 hours later!

Tuesday arrives, 7:30 pm arrives and I have my information gathering session with Diana. I immediately click with her as she’s a fellow Mancunian.

We talk over Google Chat for about 30 minutes and she asks me about my life, my upbringing, my journey, my dysphoria and more.

I will know more in the next 2-4 weeks.

Onwards and upwards.

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