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Street art of New Brighton, Wirral

Street Art of New Brighton

Lifeboat man

I was in New Brighton today and instead of walking down the promenade or the beach, I decided to cut through the town centre and was massively surprised first of all by the street art of New Brighton on the buildings but also the quality of works.

The building in the town centre are all painted with various artworks and there are many good examples of street art down the side streets.

What made me really go, “Wow!”, was not the quantity of street art of New Brighton but the quality of the works there.

Some of the murals are absolutely amazing and I spent a good 30 minutes looking at the one of the Life Boat Guy. It’s bloody amazing.

If you’re down in New Brighton walk up from the Fort Perch car park onto Virginia Road or up to the town centre onto Victoria Road.

There’s plenty to see around this area and the easiest way to find things is to walk up past the Seaside Cafe onto Waterloo Road.

Below is a gallery of the Street art of New Brighton on the Wirral.

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