On the 8th of September 2020 I told all my friends, old and new, via the medium of Facebook and Youtube, that I was transgender, and I was absolutely overwhelmed by the wonderful comments and messages I have received since.
I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you everybody.
To all those who left me a comment, sent me a messenger message, text message or called me. Thank You <3
All your love and comments have overwhelmed me. All the beautiful things that have been said to me in the past 24-hours have really made me cry with happiness.
I outed myself for no other reason than I have tried to tell as many people as possible in person but I didn’t want anybody else to have to comprehend the reaction that I got from one of my old friends earlier in the week.
I bumped into him in Macclesfield earlier in the week and I could see the look of confusion, apprehension, and shock. We talked later that day and he said he was confused because he didn’t know “I dressed up”, Apprehension because he didn’t know what to say to me and shock because I looked so good and he did have to look twice because he wasn’t sure it was me.
Rather than have my friends face the awkwardness of meeting me as Mikki for the first time, I realised it was better if I just told everybody all-in one go. I would have preferred to have spoken to everybody privately but using Facebook and YouTube was the easiest way as I can’t travel around as much with this curse that is Covid! Stupid Covid!
Again, thank you. I am genuinely overwhelmed by all the comments and support that everybody has given me. The messages in Facebook and via private messenger have really been fantastic.
This has been a massive step in my life and one I haven’t taken lightly especially after years of mental anguish, depression and psychotherapy. I know some of you already thought I was mental having known me for many years but this for me is a step in the right direction and I hope you understand better after watching the little video I made or if you’ve read my Frequently Asked Questions?
Some of you have been with me on this journey so far, so you know what i’ve been going through over the past 12-months.
This is not a whim, or a fancy and you also know what issues I’ve had mentally since I had my diagnosis. Even once I’ve had a diagnosis and just actually how hard its been to deal with/comprehending and then coming to terms with this diagnosis and knowing this is who I really am.
When I went to therapy at first, I was told things would get worse before they got better. Well, I think that things did get worse, but they have definitely got so much better and I’m happier now than I have been for a most of my life.
Love you all