
Welcome to Mikki’s Blog.

Here you will find the last 40 blog posts. Well until I reach 40 blog posts there will be shown however many blog posts their are.

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Don’t ask me what’s inside my pants

Don’t ask me what’s inside my pants because if you do you won’t like the answer! I’ve met quite a few people recently who after a few minutes of conversation, think it’s a valid question to ask a trans person, “So, I hope you don’t mind me asking but, what genitals do you have?” This …

Camden Town with the UV Girls at Cyberdog

Today, 25th May I had the pleasure to travel down to London, to Camden Town to be exact, to watch the UV Girls (Lilly Jae and Fleur Chelten) play at Cyberdog. For those that don't know Cyberdog is a superstore for Rave clothing and Festival Fashions who just happen to have live DJ's play in …

Gender GP, I have my prescription

After my post about getting my prescription fulfilled from Gender GP and what is going wrong with Gender GP, I today out of the blue received my prescription and a link for payment from my chosen pharmacy. This is a little bit confusing because I filled in the original for on the 28th March, again …

Lanyon Quoit, near Madron, Cornwall

Lanyon Quoit, is a dolmen, a portal tomb, which is located close to the village of Madron, near Penzance. This particular dolmen has 3 supporting legs which hold up a 5.5 metre long cap stone which is reputed to weight 12 tonnes. There are also many other neolithic stones on the site which surround Lanyon …

St Michael’s Mount, Marazion, Cornwall 2024

Close to Penzance, by the sea There's a beautiful island, just off the beach By a place called Marazion Sits an island paradise Atop which sits a Castle It does look really nice Across a causeway, access you will get And if the causeway is flooded, Catch or boat or get real wet But when …

The second hardest thing I’ve ever had to do

Today I’ve done the second hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I said goodbye to Chanterelle for the final time as I scattered her ashes.   The first hardest thing! Firstly, let’s roll back to 2022, and the first hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. This was to prematurely end her life …

Anxiety is killing me

Anxiety, it’s suffocating me, Every waking moment besieged, Eyes flutter open, there it looms, A relentless presence, sealing my doom. Anxiety, it’s suffocating me, Lying in bed, trapped in dread, To rise or to stay, the dilemma weighs, A prisoner of my own anxious maze. Anxiety, it’s suffocating me, Mind racing, thoughts in disarray, A …

Gender GP, what is going on? Poor service

I first started using Gender GP nearly 4 years ago, but recent service changes have left me thinking “Gender GP, what is going on?” This is because your recent service is absolutely appalling. Let me just explain that I have been using Gender GP for all my gender service up until 12 months ago when …

Yes I know I’m transgender

Yes, I know I’m transgender and some people might not understand or grasp what’s happened in my life to get me to where I am today. And, let me be brutally honest, I’m not asking or expecting people to accept me or understand my life or who I am anyway! Live and let live is …

Trans orgasms

The heterosexual community has no idea about trans orgasms, however the news and media like to speculate and pass judgement on who it feels to orgasm or experience orgasms as a transgender person. They ultimately will never know as they are not transgender people and they know not what hormones and blockers do to bodies …

So nice to work somewhere completely accepting

It’s so nice to work somewhere completely accepting and this past month that’s what’s happened. I’ve been working on a building site over the past month sorting out the cabling, fibre optic connections and WiFi and after working on other building sites in Leeds, Liverpool and especially darn sarf, I was wondering what I was …

National Slate Museum Llanberis

Lilly Jae and I have just been to the National Slate Museum Llanberis, beside Lake Pandarn in Llanberis at the foot of Snowdon. This is a free museum and describes the history of slate mining in the Welsh valleys, the people, the area and how slate mining has influenced the world. The museum is made …

It’s just a dog

Its just a dog so, I'm told by folk who don't know what's in a heart of gold a dog gives you comfort an unconditional love and when they pass its gone, vanished for good It's just a dog I hear you say you'll get over it you just need a few days however my …

My funny friend

There’s not many people Who really like you You come across as an arsehole You really do do But me I think You are actually ace But I’d never say this Direct to your face You know that you make me Laugh very hard With your cheesy jokes About blocks of lard The last time …

NHS medical number issues

I know I haven’t written about my gender journey for quite some time but this is something those wishing to pursue a gender change on their medical records need to be aware of as it might cause you problems and that’s changing your NHS medical number. On the 23rd November my primary care provider, which …


You know what pisses me off when people say, “all the trauma you’ve been through in life, they must have made you stronger”. No. No they didn’t! All that trauma actually did was give me some very weird coping skills, a fucked up sense of humour and a lot of really nasty habits and kinks!

What you see online

What you see online is only a representation of someone’s life, whether they be good or bad bits and doesn’t represent our daily lives. People look at my online life and say to me, “Oh my god Mikki, you have such a wonderful life”, but what you see online is only a small selection of …

Token Gay Friend

Am I the token gay friend? I want to know as I’m meeting people who I find both emotionally and physically attractive but I always seem to end up as their “trans friend” or “gay friend” Which I guess, kind of makes me the token gay friend! Someone to confide in, someone to tell about …

The great British Toilet versus Transgender debate

I’ve been having many conversations with my friends over the past couple of weeks about “The great British Toilet versus Transgender debate” and the rights the government’s plans to change the law to define gender and how we as British people use the toilet! The UK Government, or more precisely the Tory party, are pursuing …

Really angry

Yet again another human being has let me down and you know what I’m really angry. I’m not angry with the other person, I’m angry with myself, for letting them inside my mental fortress again. I promised myself, after the last one, that I wouldn’t do it. I have my closed circle of friends and …