Lanyon Quoit, is a dolmen, a portal tomb, which is located close to the village of Madron, near Penzance.

This particular dolmen has 3 supporting legs which hold up a 5.5 metre long cap stone which is reputed to weight 12 tonnes. There are also many other neolithic stones on the site which surround Lanyon Quoit.

This is a beautiful place to sit and absorb the energy and the sun rays on a beautiful day, but is remote and wind beaten even on a good day.

It is currently owned and maintained by the national trust.

The mine building in the background is Ding Dong mine and can be seen for many miles around.

Pictures of Lanyon Quoit from 23/04/24

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Mikki Tiamo

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I am Mikki Tiamo and this page is just some of the articles, posts and gripes I have written.

Hope you like them and if you don't, C'est La Vie!