Last night I got absolutely trashed and today I have a hang over I just can’t look at myself in the mirror again! It’s going to be a dysphoria day.

I’m looking really bad this morning as I’m sure I cried myself to sleep again last night.

I have puffy eyes and their bright red. The pile of tissues beside my bed would be a massive indicator of weeping before bedtime.

I think I need to go get help!

When I awoke and looked in the mirror
The picture is see, makes me shiver
Blood shot eyes, with bags underneath
I turn away, don’t want to see
As the picture I view, this morn isn’t me
Fill up the sink, and stare at this face
Not loving this look, look past into space
Plunge my face in the water, hold for awhile
A few more times, the feel of the water makes me smile
Look in the mirror, what can I see
Something that slowly resembles, the real me
I clean and scrub, the remnants of last night
The alcohol in my system, makes me feel shite
Again, I plunge myself, face first into the sink
Feeling awake now, beginning to think
Dry my face and pull out the plug
Look at myself, give my face a good rub
Time to get ready, and put on some slap
Lift up my makeup bag, think I need to downsize
If it gets any bigger, I need to lift with my thighs!
Open it up and pull out my things
Foundation, powers, and beautiful things
Apply my makeup, looking more like me
Just polish the edges, now like what I see
Foundation, eyeliner, lippy, and blush
Make me feel better, less of a mush
Admire in the mirror, now like what I see
Still the same person, a better version of me
Ready to face the world, now I am
Dysphoria day, do one please
I’m who I am, and this is me

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Written by

Mikki Tiamo

Welcome to Mikki's profile on Mikki's website.

I am Mikki Tiamo and this page is just some of the articles, posts and gripes I have written.

Hope you like them and if you don't, C'est La Vie!