COLLUSION denim corset dress in ecru from Asos

COLLUSION denim corset dress in ecru from ASOS

I love this Collusion denim corset dress, the contrast of the large buttons on the white denim and have already ordered this, so we’ll see what its like when it arrives from ASOS.

Love this outfit the model is wearing but alas I dont think those boots would suit me so maybe white trainers with this for me.

Product Link in the description

I love lots of different styles of clothing and when I’m online shopping I tend to take snapshots and bookmark pages when I see a dress, blouse or skirt I like. If you like creating a list of clothes I’d like or clothes I’ll buy when funds allow.

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Mikki Tiamo

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I am Mikki Tiamo and this page is just some of the articles, posts and gripes I have written.

Hope you like them and if you don't, C'est La Vie!