It’s nearly three months since my last injection of Prostrap and this month’s hormone change is really fucking my head up, emotionally!
As you may have read I’ve been prescribed Prostrap as a testosterone blocker to help with my transition and I’ve been on it now for over 6 months. This is administered as a quarterly injection.
I’m so emotional at the moment that I’m crying at the very slightest things and several times this week I just spontaneously burst in to tears for no reason. Take this morning, I had a bad dream and woke up fine, next thing I know I’m sat on the edge of the bed sobbing uncontrollably and it took my partner nearly half an hour to calm me down.
Completely irrational and for no reason whatsoever!
My anxiety is also next level at the moment and on one or two occasions I’ve been so wracked with anxiety that I cannot function until I’ve calmed down.
The other night was so bad I laid in bed and curled up and shook for nearly an hour.
Then this evening I witnessed the aftermath of two accidents. One on the M6 and another on the M62 and the graphic images of the vehicles, especially from the accident on the M62, set me off again with anxiety and uncontrolled crying when I got home and I sobbed in the car and then sat on the floor in the house.
I have to speak to my prescribing agent as this only seems to occur on month three after the injection of Prostrap.
I’ve no history of having such bad anxiety attacks but have suffered from depression in the past.
I know that anxiety and emotional outbursts on Prostrap as known side effects but these are bad this quarter.