This past week, and the events in London, have just brought into sharp focus that some of my so-called “friends” have not been as nice to Lilly as her friends have been to me.
This has really made me think WTF these people were thinking about my partner???
More so what do they actually think of me if they treat my partner in such a way, when they can see how happy I am with this beautiful human.
Especially when I’d been single for a great number of years.
I bring someone into my friend circles, and those friends first of all treat her with suspicion, then as an imposter, they then treat her with disrespect and then some of the treat her as a threat because they feel threatened by a female DJ.
She’s even been accused of chatting shit to another DJ when all she was trying to do was be friendly while she picked her kit up out of the DJ booth, which she’d left after her earlier set!
I’ve stepped into her world and none of her friends, not one, have disrespected me in any way. Not even a bad word about me.
It’s time to re evaluate my friend circles because if my friends are like this then are they really my friends?
This to me is a massive head fuck as why would these people treat my partner in such a way, especially when they can see how happy I am with this woman.
I’m not even going to give it any more air time in my head but just putting this on paper as there that some people have a low opinion of either me, Lilly, us both or themselves!