Yet again I feel let down by my GP as despite using a private clinic to prescribe my drugs I still have to rely on the NHS to do my blood tests as after two years they deemed me important enough to agree to do my blood test to monitor my hormone levels.
Well this month because of the Synarel shortages I have to change the drugs the I take and this is required a request going into my doctors for a blood test.
To give you an idea of how slow the NHS work, my Synarel will run out in just over a weeks time, and they received a blood test request on Friday the 24th of February and as yet I have heard nothing from my doctors.
I know that they have received the e-mail from Gender GP because I actually went down to the surgery with a printed copy to hand over to reception and was told they had already received a request from Gender GP. However on past issues they have told me that they have had emails from myself and third parties in the past and it turns out that this was bullshit!
So yet again I am waiting for my GP two actually approve a blood test so I think the best course of action is to go and book a blood test tomorrow and pay for this out of my own pocket.
If I go and have a blood test tomorrow privately I will have the results on Friday however because my doctors have agreed to do shared healthcare I’ve been asking questions as to whether or not this will affect the situation between Gender GP and my doctors and myself but wondering if I should actually care about this and care more about my own healthcare and sanity!?
Its not that I really give a shit about this anymore because I’m just sick of dealing with people who’s attitude towards my healthcare is 1,000,000,000 miles away from the private healthcare clinic I use and my own expectations.
I have actually thought about naming the doctors surgery however I will give them the benefit of the doubt one last time before I start shouting their name as a poor gender care provider!
I should mention as well but this is the doctors surgery which took 2 1/2 years to change the name on my NHS records despite having numerous copies of my deed pool hand delivered and sent via e-mail, all of which they said they did not receive despite me providing evidence to the contrary.
As I said, this is either incompetence, bullshit service or my doctors are transphobic? Which is it?