I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
To have no emotions
Or intelligence, to light
A life so mundane
No strive or drive
Just all I knew
Was that I was alive

I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
To have no passion too
Only a drive to get up, everyday
And just be happy with life
Do whatever, simple tasks
Like chop wood for no reward
Or just sit and brush my hair

I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
If I didn’t have any thoughts
No passion, no intelligence
A human sheep, of sorts
No one to care for
Just existing in this world
I’d be happy with that

I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
To lie in bed
No intrusive thoughts
Or noise in my brain
I’d be able to drift to sleep
That would be so blissful
I really do think, of a life like this

I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
No conversation or chit chat
Just going through
This world of ours
No airs or graces
Not saying owt
A massive verbal speaking drought

I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
To distance myself from folk
Sitting all alone
In silence, no thoughts, no words
It sounds so wonderful to me
But then no words
Would I write, but then we’re would I be

I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
If I never engaged
And got on with my life
No conversations I’d have
Discussions I’ve had
No disappointments
No reason to think about general life

I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
If no attention given to the TV
No emotions
No cares within my life
Devoid of life’s “challenges”
Just me, on my own
Would I really be happy all alone?

I sometimes wonder
If life would be so bad
If I didn’t have thoughts
Would I really care
Or emotionally retort
Life it sucks sometimes
But I wonder because I can
Because I’m of a human kind

I wonder quite a lot
About all of these things
My brain won’t switch off
From various things
But one thing I know
Is that I am alive
Thoughts or not
In my life, I’ll survive

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Written by

Mikki Tiamo

Welcome to Mikki's profile on Mikki's website.

I am Mikki Tiamo and this page is just some of the articles, posts and gripes I have written.

Hope you like them and if you don't, C'est La Vie!