I’ve had a crazy follower this past few weeks. Someone I met on a night out and instantly regretted saying “Hiya” too but have struggled to get rid of!
Let me tell you about it.
I was out in Manchester with a few friends on what would have been the Pride 2020 weekend, when this big hairy ass bear comes over and starts chatting to us. I’d already dismissed him as as I’m not interested in hairy men in any shape or form but one of my friends started a long drawn-out conversation with him.
We leave the pub and moved on to another place in the village and this guy decides to invite himself along with us.
Now, at no point have I told him what my name is or have any of my friends, but when we walk in the next venue, because he’s stood behind us and the girls at the venue shout “Hi Mikki” as they have done for about the past six months. I know all the table staff and all the staff know my name. They know my name because its one of the places I go regularly in the village. They also like to sing the song.
You’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Mikki,
Hey Mikki.”
So, now this guy knows my name, and goes from calling me babes, to Mikki!
Ok fine, so you know my first name and by this time we are getting a bit concerned apart from one of my friends who really fancies him because that’s the type of man she goes for, big hairy ass bears! <puke>
Because he’s had attention off her he invites himself on the rest of our night out, something that annoyed me and Denise immensely.
Eventually though, I think he took the hint that he wasn’t wanted and made an excuse and left. But not before Claire had friended him on Facebook!!!
Within 20 minutes all my friends have had friend requests off him!
I didn’t even respond and I blocked him. The guy was creepy and I didn’t like him.
However, that wasn’t the end. He sought me out on the internet and messaged to find a few of us on Instagram. Blocked him on there as well.
Next is Twitter, no direct message. Just mention after mention. In total nearly 100, quite rude and quite descriptive of what he’d like to do to me.
Reported to Twitter and he had his account suspended. All he did was set up another account and it started again.
I suspended my account.
After discussing this with my friends I found out the same thing has happened to all of us!
Not to be dissuaded he’s obvously done a Google Search and found my name on one of a company website that I’m the director of. So, then I started getting lots of emails off him.
Same sort of thing what he’d like to do to me. I would put them on here but some of them are quite vivid and descriptive! Plus the police told me not to!
As I run the email server I was able to block the email address but yet again he just set up another email address and started sending me emails from that one. None of these were threatening but they are very rude about what he wanted to do to me.
In the end we’ve had to get the police involved and even then the messages didn’t stop they just became more vociferous and nasty.
After getting the police involved again the messages have stopped but only after we all received a number of apologies.
Even a few months later I’m still quite shocked that this has happened but it won’t put me off being friendly to people but these days I might be more wary especially round men!