31st of March is Transgender Day of Visibility.
I am Mikki and I am Transgender and my pronouns are She/Her.
Today we, the transgender community, celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility to highlight the difficulties facing our community. These are political attacks, discrimination, inadequate healthcare, violence, hate and ignorance.
We need your support, now more than ever, in the face of changing political and societal changes.
If you’re a trans ally, speak out my friends, your support is always welcome.
If you have a question, then ask us, don’t assume that the media and government are telling the truth and education is the most powerful weapon.
And if you don’t think we should exist, then look around, we do exist and we are here to stay.
#transgenderdayofvisibility #tdov #iamtrans #iamenough #transgender #transsupport #transrights #transgenderhelp