Shot of baby Guinness lined up on a bar ready for consumption. Baby Guinness is Tia Maria and Bailey's. The Bailey's is gently poured over a spoon so that it does not mix with the Tia Maria and instead sits on top and the light colour of the Bailey's make the shot look like a baby Guiness. Hence the name.

Its Friday, and its payday.

Time to get fucked up, big time, hey!

Bottle of tequila, salt and a lime.

Lets drink loads of alcohol, get fucked up big time

Havent drunk for 3 months, but already got a taste

Looks like this weekend, I’m going to waste

Don’t give a fuck, I need to feel numb

Drink till I pass out, brain switched off, lets get fucked up

Bottle of beer, bottle of wine

Cheers my friends, one more time

Shots a plenty, speech beginning to slur

Singing the songs, even that Blur!

Drink some more, lets get fucked up!

Anyone got Charley or MDMA?

Having a dance and another drink

Shots of sambuca or Tequila Rose

All lined up on the bar

I flirt with the girls, and some of the boys

Buy me a drink be each others sexual toy

Off to a nightclub, line of coke in the loo’s

Back out to the bar, order more booze

Lets get fucked up, as the night is still young

Dance to our feet ache in 4 inch heels

Loved up my darlings on doves or Mitsubishis

Snogging all the girls, hug the cute boys

Buy me a drink and let’s get fucked up

Enjoy my lovelies, enjoy, enjoy

Another line of shots, 2 each for my friends

Yeah, I’m crazy, what of it girl

The toilets are that way

If you’re going to hurl

It’s 6am quickly

The last song it chimes from the djs decks

We’ll all leave the club, completely wrecked

Sunrise is upon us, time for some scran

Abdul’s kebabs or the burger van

Standing outside burger in hand

Off back to my gaff, can barely stand

Walk with the lady I’ve picked up in club

She’s a stunner, a right laugh and as drunk as a skunk

Pile through the door, crash on the settee

Troffing our burgers and kebabs, we all be

First to finish gets rolling a joint

Plate in the oven for the coke on point

Music on, chilled tunes, time to relax

Joint and a line and a cup of tea

Time to chat, metaphysics and shit

Talk about the night or social events

Nobodies drinking as we start to awake

Friends disappearing, off home to bed

Love you and see ya!

Thanks for the evening, love you my mate

“You out this tonight love?”

“Yeah, same thing again?”

The cycle continues until, we don’t know when.

But we all look forward to do it again!

Let’s get fucked up!

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Written by

Mikki Tiamo

Welcome to Mikki's profile on Mikki's website.

I am Mikki Tiamo and this page is just some of the articles, posts and gripes I have written.

Hope you like them and if you don't, C'est La Vie!