Showing: 91 - 100 of 172 RESULTS

The death dream

Let’s get straight to the point with this one I keep having this recurring nightmare which I’ve dubbed “the death dream”. I don’t actually die in this dream but it feels like I’m going to do, but I wake up. Each time it’s getting harder and harder to wake up! In the dream what actually …

Names and photos of the sailors of the Solomon Browne disaster

The Solomon Browne disaster, 40 years on

This year on the 19th December marks 40 years since the Solomon Browne disaster in which the Penlee lifeboat, Solomon Browne and all hands were lost while attempting to rescue the crew of  Union Star a coaster that was being swept towards the treacherous west Cornwall coast. The Union Star was on her maiden voyage …

Can’t sleep!

I been awake now nearly 42 hours now and despite feeling sleepy I just can't sleep! I woke at 6 am on Saturday and it's now nearly 1am on Monday. I went out on Saturday night and partied all night and jumped around like a looney. Done over 36000 steps according to my fitness tracker. …