So, you ask,
Am I okay?
What’s that even mean?
In a grandiose, scheme of things.
Am I okay?
Do you give a shit?
The answers, no,
But we all say yes.
Because otherwise, you can not handle,
What’s going on inside my head.
Don’t listen to me ramble,
Existential bullshit preamble
Am I okay?
I hear you say.
Again I repeat,
Do you care anyway?
Whatever my problems,
Unless you’re my friend.
Will you listen to me?
Or just pretend?
With my problem’s,
Can’t try to mend.
Am I okay?
No I am not!
But yes, is the answer,
Provided a lot.
Instead of saying,
No, I’m struggling mate.
We all say, yes,
To save us some face.
Might only say no,
To those special friends.
Who you know will listen,
And to help make amends.
And on the flip side,
Not giving a shit.
So, if I say no,
You’d probably say, phish!
So, am I okay?
You’re asking me?
I’ll tell you yes,
Easiest things to be.
So, why do we play,
This feeble chirade?
When we know very well
You’re not really. That’s hard.
Please don’t ask me,
You probably don’t care.
And if you do, let’s talk
Talk, till we’re square!
And if we talk, the same,
Would you ask me again?
Or perhaps, next time instead,
Diplomatically refrain.
Am I okay?
And do you care?
But with that thought,
I’d just like to say.
I really am,
Doing okay.