A few photos from my birthday night out in Blackpool on 30th October 2021 with my sister from another mister, Jane. We went to have a night out to celebrate my birthday in Blackpool.
For those that don’t know where Blackpool is or what it is, then it’s a northern seaside town on the Fylde Coast between the lake district and Liverpool. Its famous for its illuminations (street lights), huge steel erection (Blackpool tower), Pleasure Beach (fairground), its vegas-style nightlife (hahahaha), and it’s cheap as chips family-friendly environment.
Personally, I love its chincy appeal, promenade, piers, and many many bars and hotels.
It was a nice sunny day on Saturday but bloody freezing, which seems to be the norm for Blackpool every time I go!. It was also windy enough that it rocked the tower when we went up to the top.
We stayed and watched the sunset, which was amazing that evening, and I think Jane was captivated by the views not having been up there before.
Blackpool tower management, if you’re listening, bring back the cocktails at the top of the tower…. Please! Drinking a pint of beer is just, well. Shite!
After the tower we went out around the northern part of the town and ended up in Garlands, the Flying Handbag, Man Bar, Kaos, then back to Garlands for last orders.
Can’t believe Jane talked me into walking down to the beach at 4am! I was so cold and it was only her wit and charm which kept me from running back to the hotel 😀
Sunday was a different story and it lashed it down so much that driving home in the evening we’d have been better off with a boat to get down the M6. It’s one of the worst drives in the rain I’ve had and for someone that’s down well over a million miles, that’s saying something.
Bloody love you Jane, and thanks for a wonderful wonderful birthday night out and a great weekend.

Written by
Mikki Tiamo
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