Showing: 101 - 110 of 139 RESULTS

Anxiety again

Anxiety again, doing my head in. Cant be myself, Stepping backward again, Because, I can't be, the real me, A dose of anxiety as bad as can be. Working away, 2 weeks, 10 hours a day, Work environment says, no heels, no make-up, Can't even call myself by my name, resort to my dead name, …

Disappointed with Doctors

It’s 6:30am and I’m wide awake because I am still so angry at what happened yesterday with my GP. Yesterday at 4pm I get a phone call.from my doctors and because I was on another call I phoned them back. Ring ring “Hello doctors surgery” Yes I’m returning your call. Someone from the surgery called …


What’s it feel like to be transgender

Feels like your shoes are on the wrong feet. You’ve always been dressed that way, from birth. Every time you’ve complained about your feet hurting, everyone tells you that you’re fine, “don’t be silly”. You put some shoes on the right way, and it feels great, a huge relief, but you know that everyone thinks …


Why cant you be yourself?

Why can't you be yourself? Be unique? Why does everybody think that we need to conform? To all be the same? To be drones? To all look the same? Dress the same? To even think the same way? Surely one of the main things about being human is that we are all individuals, then if, …

Dealing with banks

After today’s marathon phone fest calling numerous Banks I can really understand why the elderly get very frustrated with modern technology and dealing with the banks. Today I’ve been helping my mother sort out the last few issues with the banks and insurance companies after my father’s death in March. Yes, in March and I …