I’m not deluded and as a trans woman I know that no matter what I do to my body or how many operations or medication I have to change my body, I will never be a biological woman.
When I started my transgender journey many years ago I knew from the very start that no matter what I do my underlying biological physiology will never be such that of a woman.
I can never change fully to a biological woman.
Deep down in my DNA I will always have XY chromosomes, as a male. Because of this, no matter what I do, it can never change fully to a woman with current medical technologies.
This doesn’t bother me in the slightest but it’s a reality check.
There are some in the community who I think don’t understand this and some are quite militant about their beliefs. Those are your beliefs but reality bites.
Yes, you might believe you are a woman and live your life as a woman but biologically you can never be a woman. This is a medical fact!
This also applies to trans men.
Your chromosomes are fixed as you develop in the womb and this cannot be changed. Ever!
Live your best life, live as you choose, even experience your life as you see fit.
But be aware that you cannot change the coded DNA from when you have grown in your mother’s womb.