
Over the past month, I’ve noticed the noise in my brain has increased massively as the Leuprorelin I’ve been taking has lessened in effect.

For those that don’t know Leuprorelin is a testosterone blocker which inhibits the male hormone from being created in your body. This drug is also used to slow down the advance of prostate cancer in medical patients. Testosterone is one of the contributing factors in prostate cancer.

I’ve blogged about this before when there was a shortage of Synarel a few years ago. Again this is a testosterone inhibiting drug and the effects of these drugs on my brain have been to calm it down.

It also removes certain desires and generally make me a calmer person.

The lack of testosterone to me as a trans woman has changed me from someone who actively chased the next sexual encounter or self gratification.

The thoughts in my head are also changed because I am more focused on work, my life and relationship.

With these desires removed my brain calms down but the last 4 weeks I have noticed that these thoughts have crept back in and my ability to focus has began to wain!

I’ve also had a few instances recently where I have lost my temper and this is very unlikely me as it takes a hell of a lot for me to lose my temper.

I am now 2 weeks overdue for my injection.

This is because of a fuck up, yes let’s call it what it is, between my care provider and my GP. Who don’t seem to communicate despite both being NHS departments and then need a massive amount of hand holding, from me, to sort shit out.

On speaking to my main care provider, they explained that as the Leuprorelin wears off then the likelihood for the testosterone to increase in my body is increased and certain male traits may increase and because my injection is now weeks overdue this is likely to be even more increased!

I now have the injection kit and tommorow, I will be having my next injection and let’s see what this brings.

Normal services has been resumed and the calmness has returned. I’ve been more calmer and clear of thought.

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Written by

Mikki Tiamo

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I am Mikki Tiamo and this page is just some of the articles, posts and gripes I have written.

Hope you like them and if you don't, C'est La Vie!