Showing: 1 - 10 of 80 RESULTS
Names and photos of the sailors of the Solomon Browne disaster

The Solomon Browne disaster, 40 years on

This year on the 19th December marks 40 years since the Solomon Browne disaster in which the Penlee lifeboat, Solomon Browne and all hands were lost while attempting to rescue the crew of  Union Star a coaster that was being swept towards the treacherous west Cornwall coast. The Union Star was on her maiden voyage …

Can’t sleep!

I been awake now nearly 42 hours now and despite feeling sleepy I just can't sleep! I woke at 6 am on Saturday and it's now nearly 1am on Monday. I went out on Saturday night and partied all night and jumped around like a looney. Done over 36000 steps according to my fitness tracker. …


Tonight has been a weird sort of night and I’ve had one woman looking at me intently. What do you mean Mikki, looking? She was not looking at me but looking in the area of my groin. Tonight, I’ve been for a night out in Leeds and it’s not somewhere I go on a regular …

blog Nights out

Out Local-ish

Last night I went out local and surprisingly I had a great night. I’d been in Manchester all day and was going to stay and go round the village but because it was a cold day or the new COVID BS regulations put people off everywhere was quite quiet and at 6pm I headed back …


My own mental Happiness

It makes me laugh sometimes that some of my so caled friends/acquaintances try to to use me to quash or to appease their own mental happiness. I am more than happy to listen but with some folk its never recipricated. Let me clarify that because they are unhappy in their own lives they belly ache …


Nearly got the shit kicked out of me

Today, Nov 26th, 2021, I made a bit of a mistake in defending myself and I nearly got the shit kicked out of me by a group of big brave Asian lads. Ironically said!!!

I was in Stoke today, I don’t like Stoke (Hanley), it’s got bad memories plus some of the worst transphobic and homophobic abuse I’ve had have been in Stoke.

If you live in Stoke I apologise but it’s my personal opinion/experience.

I occasionally work there and today was one of those days and I’d finished at 11 am and decided to get myself a McD’s and called into the branch in the city centre.

On I walked in, its empty bar four Asian lads sitting near the door and a group of builders sat on the opposite side of the restaurant.

As I walk in one of the Asian lads says to me, “Alright darling, do you want to come back to mine for a good time?”

I didn’t reply and carried on walking.

What appears I’d invertedly done by minding my own business is offered him and his mates an invitation to come over and abuse me.

I was placing my order on the screen as far away from them as possible in the store, but the same lad comes over, stands behind me and says “Whatcha ordering?” and gooses me!

gerund or present participle: goosing
1. poke (someone) in the bottom.”

I turned and pushed him quite hard away from me, and shouted: “What the f-ing hell do you think you’re doing?”

This got quite a violent reaction and I see a fist clench.

“Leave me alone, not interested!”

As I’m wearing a pair of high heels, I’m in no position for a fistfight.

He shouts “How fing dare you fing push me away, like! What you doing you fing stupid bitch!”

I look round and notice his mates have now stood up and another one is walking over to me.

I also notice that the builders have all stopped talking and are looking at us.

“I’m fng talking to you bitch” and he pushes me again.

“f off, go away!” I say.

Taking a step back I hear one of the builders shout “Leave her alone” and one of them stands up.

This asian lad turns to them and says “Fuck off dickhead, I was talking to her”

I step out of my heels so I am now barefoot in the middle of the restaurant.

Again he turns to me and says “Who do you think you are, what you doing? I’ll kick your ass you stupid bitch”

I’m now ready to punch this arsehole but again I hear the builders shout “Oy, dickhead. Leave her the fuck alone or i’ll fill you and your mates in”

All the builders have now stood up and a number of the staff are also now standing at the counter.

The manager shouts over, “You need to leave, we’re calling the police”

These Asian lads have now started a retreat but as they start to walk out the door one of them spits on the floor in front of me,  and they’re all shouting abuse at all in the restaurant.

One of the builders comes over to me and says “Are you okay duck?” I nod and start to put my shoes back on.

The manager comes over and says “Don’t worry we’ve got them on CCTV. Come over here and sit down”

The builders are also standing next to me and are making comforting noises and ushering me to sit down.

“Bunch of dickheads, bellends, etc. You alright?”

I sit down and the manager asks me what I’d like to eat and drink. I barely mumble what I want, and he disappears.

Everyone asks me if I’m alright. I am. A little shaken and the adrenalin has kicked in, my heart is going 10,000 beats a minute and I’m shaking!

I’ve been in that situation before and the last time I ended up fighting my way out which ended with me battered and bruised and a night in A&E!

My coffee arrives and I take the cup and hold it in both hands. I really now want out of here but am now the center of attention. This is the last place I want to be and when the police arrive the next 40 minutes are a blur as statements are taken from everyone.

Absolutely ruined my day, week and month if I’m honest and I have great sympathy for anyone this has happened to.

Its also affected me when there are a re large groups about but only in Stoke!

Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery #1

Okay hands up, I admit it. I’ve been and had a few cosmetic surgery procedures recently. Last weekend I went and had Botox and lip fillers at a clinic in deepest Cheshire. For a long time I’ve cursed my thin lips and last weekend I went and had my top lip plumped up with fillers …