Nights out

Shanti Barn Party

Shanti Barn Party is the latest Psytrance event i've been to and was held in the deepest recesses of the Lake District on the 15th and 16th April. It was amazing. From the location which had stunning scenery through 360 degrees around the campsite to the amazing decorations inside the event barn. Large dancefloor and …
blog Transgender

Equality and Human Rights law

The UK government is seeking to rewrite the Equality and Human Rights law which could see trans people excluded from single sex spaces. Plan to change Equality Act will ban trans people from single-sex spaces, charities warn | ITV News I have grave concerns over this first and foremost, that the government is seeking to …


The term Cis woman

Let’s get this straight I do not like the term “cis women. This is not because I’m some hateful, spiteful trans person, I’m not. I just think it’s wrong to label women as anything other than, women. As a transgender person, who is transitioning from male to female one of the things that is making …

blog Transgender

31/03 is Transgender Day of Visibility

31st of March is Transgender Day of Visibility. I am Mikki and I am Transgender and my pronouns are She/Her. Today we, the transgender community, celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility to highlight the difficulties facing our community. These are political attacks, discrimination, inadequate healthcare, violence, hate and ignorance. We need your support, now more than …

Computer on desk with notepad, pen and glasses

The WiFi it don’t work

The network don’t work, dear Mikki, dear Mikki The network don’t work here, dear Mikki, fix it I’ve connected my TV, it don’t work, it don’t work I’ve connected my TV, it don’t work, don’t work Mikki It works fine on my hotspot, dear Mikki, dear Mikki It works on my mobile hotspot, dear Mikki, …

blog Transgender

Brianna Ghey Murder

As a transgender person myself, I must admit that I’ve been given the Brianna Ghey murder a lot of thought over the past couple of days, and I’ve actually been quite distraught about it. The very fact that this young girl has died is terrible but I’m also very angry about the manner in which …